Our Services
From your apartment to a luxury hotel, we are certified to inspect it. With over 70,000 inspections, we have the experience and expertise it takes to inspect your property properly.

Residential Single Family
We send 2 certified and ticketed Home Inspectors to your home – Two for the price of one!
Two inspectors to your inspection saves you time and improves the quality of the inspection…more eyes see more issues!
Our inspections start at $475 and we will travel anywhere you need us!

Commercial / Multi-Family
Our certified and ticketed inspectors have inspected Hotels, High Rises and Multi-Family / Commercial building since 1998.
There is a reason why the BANKS choose us!

Condos and Townhouses
Trust the experts that know Condos. Whether it’s a Townhouse or an Apartment, we have been inspecting condos since 1998!

A lot can go wrong on an Acreage…Protect yourself! Our ticketed inspectors understand the intricacies of Septic Systems, Water Wells and Living Off the Grid! Realtors…we also take water samples!

Sewer Scope
A sewer scope confirms if your plumbing groundwork and main drainage is in tact. One problem can cost you $$ and/or ruin your basement! We can also locate your backwater valve or confirm if one was installed. A backwater valve prevents OTHER homes from backing up into your home!

Thermal Imaging
Are you losing HEAT from your home…We can help! Call today for a Thermal Imaging Inspection!